Exotic Hardwood Flooring: Unique Options for Long Island Homeowners

Your floors are a significant part of your home, serving as the foundation for the design of the space. Why not ensure that they consist of creative designs and patterns that originate from some of the finest types of wood?

There are multiple types of hardwood flooring made from exotic wood that will make your home pop with unique patterns and rich colors. At E_M Custom Flooring & Installations, our team is ready to assist you in choosing the perfect exotic flooring to complement your home.

Exploring Different Exotic Wood Species 

Exotic hardwoods are found around the world, primarily in tropical areas. Some of the most popular types of exotic hardwood that people incorporate into their homes include:

  • Tigerwood 
  • Brazillian Cherry 
  • Acacia 
  • Cumau 
  • Sapele 
  • Patagonian Rosewood 

Each type of exotic hardwood floor has its own unique appearance and feel.

exotic hardwood floor

Maintenance and Care Tips for Exotic Hardwood Floors

In order to keep your exotic hardwood floors nice and spiffy, it is essential to stay on top of maintenance and cleaning. Some tips and tricks include:

  • Maintain humidity levels to avoid the expansion and contraction of the floorboards.
  • Refrain from dragging furniture across the floor to avoid scratching.
  • Use hardwood floor cleaners instead of oil-based cleaners since they could damage the floorboards.
  • Vacuum any dust or dirt off the floor regularly.

Our E_M Custom Flooring & Installations team members are readily available to help you with any of your exotic hardwood flooring needs. For more information or questions, contact us today and schedule a free consultation.

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