Hardwood Flooring Species Spotlight – Mesquite

When customers visit our Long Island showroom, they are often surprised by the wide variety of flooring choices. Before deciding on the best option for their home, our flooring specialists showcase the options that will best fit their needs. Sometimes people who come in for a more contemporary look find themselves instead drawn to Mesquite. This is a type of wood that can give a rustic, yet charming look and adds personality to the look of any room. Many people are under the impression that this is a new offering, when in reality it has been a favorite choice of some of our repeat customers for a long time.

It Performs Well
Long Islanders experience the four seasons, which means changes in the weather throughout the year. Mesquite wood loses much less volume compared to other woods which limits how much the floor will shift whether it is cold, hot, humid or dry.

It’s Tough
Mesquite is considered a thick, heavy wood that maintains its stability. When we do custom hardwood flooring installations, we know that the finished look will not only immediately make an impact on the look of the room, but also offer unmatched durability, especially for areas in your home that have a high volume of foot traffic.

Woman looking at samples

It Has Personality
Craftsmen often select mesquite to work with since each piece of wood is unique and offers natural imperfections that give personality to your floor and the look of the room. Mesquite is not as widely available as other flooring, so installing it in your home can offer added allure. More importantly, our professional flooring installers are skilled in the techniques needed to make sure your mesquite floor is laid properly to best showcase its attributes.

To learn more about mesquite flooring and how it can make your home look special, please give us a call.

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