Benefits of Waterproof Flooring for Kitchens and Bathrooms

When building or remodeling your home, it’s essential to consider what type of flooring to select for your bathroom and kitchen. Since these are high traffic areas, waterproof options are usually considered the best choice. When you meet with our Long Island flooring specialists, they are happy to walk you through the various benefits this type of special flooring offers before you make your final decision and have your floor installed.

Contact us make an appointment today to visit our showroom and learn more.

white bathroom

Many homeowners prefer waterproof flooring because there are so many variations to pick from as gone are the days when there were limited choices. Instead, today’s kitchens and baths are more stylish than ever, with the flooring often considered the main attraction of the room.


When choosing a flooring company you want to work with someone who is an expert. When waterproof flooring is installed properly, it can protect your home from more than an occasional splash of water out of the sink or tub. Long Island residents live in an area where moisture and humidity is often present, which can lead to an unhealthy growth of mold and mildew.


Waterproof flooring can prevent slips and falls, which is crucial when young children or older adults reside in the home. This is especially important in the bathroom where we spend a good amount of time, water can end up on the floor and where we are most likely barefoot and need a better grip.


Many homeowners prefer waterproof flooring since it is so easy to clean and maintain. Life has gotten so hectic, so floors that can quickly be cleaned with a soft cloth are very appealing. Waterproof flooring does not require intense yearly cleaning, unlike other flooring surfaces that may need regular maintenance or flooring repair.

Unlike fixtures and furniture that can easily be swapped in and out, flooring remains in place for a long time and can even increase the resale value of your home. When installed properly, waterproof flooring can help to make your bathroom and kitchen appear new for an extended period of time.

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